Happy New Year!!! 2020 was quite a year. It brought many ups, downs, and life lessons. Hopefully one of those lessons was to stay positive and celebrate the little things. Sometimes those little celebrations are hard to find, so I want to bring them to you!
I have always loved learning about those random celebration days. My goal for this blog is to provide you with two or three reasons to celebrate each day. Hopefully this blog will provide you with some entertainment, a smile or two, and, on occasion, a new recipe or activity.
January 1, 2021:
World Day of Peace – Regardless of your religious (or non-religious) beliefs, most of us would agree that peace is not a bad thing. January 1 is always marked with a message from His Holiness the Pope. This year’s message is about creating a culture of caring. You can read the full message here. As we enter 2021, we must remember to care for each other. We all need to care for each other’s health. This may mean you wear a mask or you remain diligent in social distancing. We all need to care for each other’s mental well being. Reach out to the frontline workers to offer any support. Make it a point to to be extra nice to the retail and/or fast food workers you see – many of them have not only remained working, but they have also had to deal with many difficult customers while at work. We all need to care for our communities. Shop local as much as possible. Reach out to those who may need help due to unemployment or illness.
Bottom line, spread the love!
Apple Gifting Day – Start the year off with an affordable 🙂 random act of kindness. Pick up some apples at your local grocery store and deliver to your friends and neighbors (while practicing appropriate social distancing). You can even transform those apples into a yummy dessert. Make this into a great project with the kids.
1st day of National Soup Month – I LOVE soup. I also love COOKING soup. Whether I am using a recipe or I am simply throwing some leftovers together (which are the BEST), these cold winter days are ideal for a nice warm bowl of soup. To get you started, I want to share with you one of my favorite flavorful (and low-calorie) soup recipes.

I hope you enjoy the soup as much as I do!
Feel free to drop me a line with any questions or comments. I look forward to hearing from you!